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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between 45 min Phone Call Vs. 2 Hr Zoom Call?The 45 min Phone call is geared for guidance for an immediate situation or circumstances happening in your business. This is used for brain pick session to gain clarity on areas in your childcare business. This Is not a coaching session. Clients are expected to come ready with their question during this call. However, on the other hand 2 hr Mastermind session are more in depth brain pick session or coaching call. These are designed to share my screen with you for visual understanding, provide resources, and for client to gain clarity or work on specific projects in your business.
What is the difference between the Childcare Startup University Course VS the 6 week Educated Mindz Coaching Program?The biggest difference between the two is that Childcare Startup is designed specifically for aspiring childcare program looking to learn all the details on what you need to start a childcare program. This is a self pace course that you have lifetime access to as you begin your start up journey. On the other hand our 6 week group coaching program is designed more for the either New or season childcare owner who is looking to elevate their classrooms, curriculum, learn tons of business do’s & don’t, hiring team member, Creating office systems, and much more to organize their business for success. This program is ofr providers are ready to take massive action in their business.
How often is your 6 week group coaching program offered?Educated Mindz University is offered 3 x a year for 6 weeks at a time. We meet LIVE on ZOOM for 2 hrs every Saturday morning for class and every Wednesday for Q& A session. This program is designed for small intimate group to truly hit the reset button and reignite the fire to take their childcare program to the next level. This program has no more than 8 participate in a cohort at a time to assure availability and direct access to your needs of your program. We offer this program 3x a calendar year.
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